
15 Ohm, 500 watt restive heating element. (240 watts at 60 volts.)
Kanthal A1 wire.


15 OHM – 500 WATT power resistor for 48 volt systems.

240 watts at 60 volts — see chart below.

These resistors (heating elements) have been custom made specifically to perform as diversion (dummy) loads in solar/wind/hydro alternate energy systems.

Place multiple elements in parallel to increase the total wattage. See chart below.

Unlike water heating elements, these resistors do not need to be submerged in water or oil,  they will dissipate the incoming energy in free air.


Each of the resistors we sell have been selected based on its ability to dissipate a very specific amount of power (watts) with a very specific resistance value (ohms), at a very specific voltage. When used as recommended, they will not burn out, even under continuous use.

Please note. These resistors will become hot during normal use, please mount them away from heat sensitive objects and out of the reach of children.

These custom heating elements are made with 24 gauge Kanthal A1 wire, wrapped 20 times around the ceramic tile, precision cut by our waterjet cutter (here in Coleman, Texas) to yield exactly 10 ohms.

500 Watt heating element

Dimensions: Resistor body 10.5″ long,  approx. 1″ square diameter, 9.35″ terminals center to center, .10″ diam terminal hole size. Terminals are made of .063-5052 aluminum.


Watts per single element at recommended voltages.

   Ohms    Volts    Amps    Watts
15 48 3.20 154.00
15 50 3.33 167.00
15 52 3.47 180.00
15 54 3.60 194.00
15 56 3.73 209.00
15 57.6 3.84 221.00
15 58 3.87 224.00
15 59 3.93 232.00
 15  60  4.00  240.00
Area in green is where most diversion controllers would be set to divert.

This 15 ohm resistor will dissipate 4 amps at 60 volts. This is 240 watts. Since the resistor is rated at 500 watts, this is within its safe operating range.

500 Watt heating element

500 Watt heating element

We have tested these elements at 24v (less than 15%), 60v (100% design) and 120v (960 watts – 400% design) and the resistors do not show any fatigue. The industrial rated, Kanthal A1 wire is extremely hardy, lasting 3 to 4 times longer than conventional elements using Nichrome wire.  There is very limited oxidation of the wire even at very high temps and less than optimum humidity levels. Kanthal A1 wire is rated to 1400 degrees centigrade, more than 2000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Note: At 120 volts AC or DC, these elements generate just over 1000F, the limit of our laser thermometer. We do not recommend using the elements above 60 volts unless you enclose the resistors in firebrick or similar material as they will get VERY VERY hot within a matter of seconds, especially if you use multiple resistors side by side.  The aluminum terminals will melt if this resistor is enclosed in a very small area and used at temperatures above 1000 F

How was the wattage rating determined:

We have set the recommended wattage of this resistor to 360 watts in an enclosure or 500 watts free air. This was determined by actual testing in our lab. The single resistor being tested was mounted on its terminals, 1″ above a cement board. The cement board was mounted only 1″ above a wooden board. The temperature of the wooden board never rose above 100F. The spacing we used for this test (1″ between the cement board and lower wooden object) is below the minimums we recommend; they were chosen to determine the very minimums in safe mounting configurations.

You may use the resistor up to 1500 watts without damage to the resistor providing you properly protect people and the surrounding area from the intense heat that is generated by even a single resistor at higher voltages. Using the resistor above these values must be done with extreme caution, as we have not tested them beyond the values stated above. The resistor itself is probably capable of handing much higher wattage; however, extreme caution must be taken to ensure your mounting and containment solution is capable of the heat being dissipated. DO NOT attempt to use this resistor at 240 volts, it, and possibly the surrounding area WILL BE DESTROYED!

If you double the voltage the resistor is used at, you quadruple the wattage!   P=I^2*R (watts = the square of the amperage times the resistance.)

For a 15 ohm resistor:

15 volts (1 amp) = 15 watts (1 x 1 x 15)

30 volts (2 amps) = 40 watts   (2 x 2 x 15)

60 volts (4 amps) = 240 watts (4 x 4 x 15)


120 volts (8 amps) = 960 watts (8 x 8 x 15)  — Very HOT!

220 volts (14.7 amps) = 3241 watts (14.7 X 14.7 X 15) — Resistor may be destroyed — don’t try it!


500 Watt heating element


Example of putting resistors in parallel (the image below depicts a different model resistor, however the hookup is the same.)



Place multiple resistors in parallel to increase the wattage/amperage.

  • 1 resistor at 60 volts = 240 watts.
  • 2 resistors in parallel at 60 volts = 480 watts.
  • 3 resistors in parallel at 60 volts = 720 watts.
  • 4 resistors in parallel at 60 volts = 960 watts. — You get the picture.

Additional information

Weight 18 kg
Dimensions 11 × 1 × 1 cm


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